Men in Mind

Men in Mind

30th of January, 2024

Society’s expectations and traditional gender roles (stereotypes) still play a role in why men are less likely to seek help if they are struggling or talk about how they are feeling. The ever growing men’s peer support movement (and allyship) are making meaningful inroads to change this narrative and remind men that they are not alone and they matter...always. Here are a few more ways to normalise men’s mental health, be kind to your mind, stamp out stereotypes and change stigma to support.

Out you go - Spend time in nature because it can have a really calming effect and generate a multitude of positive emotions. And, exercise releases ‘feel good’ hormones that reduce feelings of stress and anger and improve sleep.

Sleep tight - Wind down before actually going to sleep. Where possible, avoid mobile screens, alcohol and caffeine before bed, to help you fall asleep and stay asleep.

Feel to heal - Don’t block out difficult emotions (be aware of using drugs and/or alcohol to numb or cope) and be mindful of your self-talk as it can influence how you feel about yourself and affect your self-esteem.

Find you own tribe - Surround yourself with people you trust and can talk to. Those who encourage, support, inspire and motivate you in some way. These connections are vital for our mental health.

Food affects your mood - Is the food you’re eating giving you a temporary ‘high’ or sense of comfort and then leaving you feeling tired and jittery? A balanced diet is essential for good physical and mental health.

Be the change -Question attitudes that directly or indirectly affect or hurt others...challenge toxic masculinity.

Love Suzie xxx


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